Does anyone have an Ativan?

You. Are. Beautiful. 

Wedding days are a roller coaster of feelings. 

For the bride, groom, the parents, maids of honour and best men. And with all the excitement and joy comes a great amount of anxiety and pressure for some people. With the laundry list of things to do — invitations to send out, decisions to make and budgets to follow— many begin stressing a year before the wedding. It’s no surprise that things come to a climax on the wedding morning. 

A number of times, our Top Knot stylists have heard the cringy question “does anyone have an Ativan?” as the bridal party are getting their hair and makeup done, and getting dressed and prepped for the big event. 

Brides, their bridesmaids and their mothers all get caught up in making sure everyone is taken care of, they forget to relax and enjoy the process themselves. It’s a shame, really – it’s supposed to be a magical, unforgettable day! Our stylists want to enhance it by pampering you, making you the most gorgeous version of yourself and sending you off with a champagne buzz. What we don’t want is to take part in drugging you with benzodiazepines.

You may be numbed from anxiety, but the whole point of a wedding is to make beautiful memories that last a lifetime while  two amazing people commit to their love. Making sure you can feel all the peaks and valleys are part of the experience! 

Unless you’ve been advised by a medical expert to take certain medications on your wedding day, we advise against it. Instead, here are some great tips for staying zen on your big day: 

  • Get a good night’s sleep. It’s critical to have a solid rest the night before your wedding. With all the anticipation, you may have a hard time drifting off, so create some calm before you climb into bed.

  • Listen to a mindful meditation app on your phone, visualize the next day, or try having an aromatic bath!

  • Nourish yourself first thing. Enlist the help of relatives or bridesmaids to ensure that breakfast is taken care of in the morning. Going into the day with an empty stomach and too much caffeine will only exacerbate your nerves. Build time into the schedule so that you’re not feeling rushed.

  • Be present. We get it, it’s an intense day, and you’re nervous AF. Put the phone away that day, breathe deeply, and take it all in. Your friends, your family, the view. Just be mindful of how positively charged you feel with all the people you love in one room.

  • Consider a First Look. If you’re feeling on edge about the ceremony, a great way to relieve pressure is to arrange a “First Look”. This brings you and your partner together before the wedding for an intimate photo session. Not only do you get that special sneak peek, you can lean on your partner for support and make some stunning photos.

Remember, Top Knot is here to bring out the goddess in you. Our hair and makeup stylists will make you look amazing on the outside, but you must own what’s happening on the inside. If you’re feeling serious anxiety about your wedding, remember to talk to a trusted friend or visit your doctor and take the right measures in advance. Your mental health is more than worth it!